Vandvoyage About Us

Vandvoyage (Vandra + Voyage) (Vandra is Swedish for "wander"; voyage is French for "to travel")

Vandvoyage sounds like the French phrase "va en voyage" or in English, "Let's go travelling".

Founded by passionate travellers, our startup is dedicated to redefining the way you experience long distance journeys. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a curious explorer, we're here to ignite your wanderlust and turn your travel dreams into unforgettable realities.

In particular, our goal is to take the stress out of the transit process. Whether you're at a massive intermodal train hub/airport or a smaller rural train station, Vandvoyage aims to provide you with all the necessary information a seasoned traveller would need. Along with real time arrival/departure information and tracking for peace of mind.

At Vandvoyage, we understand that travel is more than just visiting new places or the journey; it's about immersing yourself in cultures, experiencing voyages just like a local would, and creating memories that last a lifetime. That's why we've made it our mission to provide you with personalised and authentic transport information that goes beyond the ordinary.

Discover the best in long distance travel with Vandvoyage. Whether it's taking a night train through Europe. An epic cross country train ride through North America. A hidden bus ride along the ocean coast. Or a flight over a beautiful mountain range. Vandvoyage wants to help plan that memorable voyage.

We are inspired by our real life experiences. Such as arriving at Brisbane Airport after a 17 hour flight from Toronto only to find out that we wasted a $80 on a roaming plan with our Canadian carrier with a measly 125MB of data only to be greeted by a phone booth right after exiting customs that advertised a sim card with 45GB for 45$. Or taking the epic Canadian train across Canada during a cold snap with little information about our next stop.

We cannot do this alone. We can pull data from official sources but crowd sourcing is the heart of the matter. Contributions by you makes Vandvoyage what it is.

Have some suggestions or want to know more? Please visit the Contact page to send us a message.

This site is not affiliated with Amtrak, Go, or VIA. All data is sourced directly from the railroads' publicly-available online tools and is known to have limitations. No guarantee is made as to accuracy of the website or any data feeds created. Please contact the railroad to ensure that you do not miss your train. Neither this site nor its owners accept any responsibility for damage, delay, or cost. Use at your own risk.